What Makes A Great Cigar?
There are many ways you can answer this question. Many factors influence the cigar and how we feel about them. There are obvious characteristics that a person should look for as well as those characteristics that are subtle in nature. The obvious things are construction and appearance. Both are an important aspect to check before you buy the cigar. The less obvious thing is the taste. The taste of a cigar is a very personal thing. You and I can smoke the same cigar and have two very different ideas of what we enjoyed about it. Appearance, construction, aroma, and taste all make up the cigar’s personality. Each are important, but above all the one that I always try to savor the most is, the moment. The setting, the company you keep, the occasion you are celebrating, that to me is what makes a great cigar. I enjoy the quiet time or my conversations with my wife while we sit out back and enjoy the evening. I enjoy watching my son run around with his Café Crème sample hanging out of the corner of his mouth. He doesn’t want any fire on the end of his cigar. That is the one thing that cigars have above my other pastimes, to really do it right, and you have to take the time to enjoy the finer points of the cigar. No rushing, just take the time to reflect on the taste and enjoy the aroma of life.
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