Where Is John B?
The good news is I am back and if you are reading this post you may have noticed a few changes to the blog. I have found that sometimes change is a good thing, and I hope that you will find the new blog theme entertaining and fun. Don’t be alarmed I still love to smoke my stogies and will be talking about my latest smoke and the best places to buy cigars. The Crew and I have taken a few small trips that I promise to give all the details about our hotels, food finds, and attractions we visited. In regards to the new Pirate Theme, you can really give credit to little John, for that. I have come to realize through the countless hours of pirating around with him, that there is a little pirate in us all.
There is no need to worry, if your pirate lingo is a little rusty we have included a handy Pirate Translator, so you can brush up for the upcoming big adventures of the crew.
glad your back
missed your stuff!
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