My Latest Online Cigar Find
One of the perks of our move to the beach has to be the abundance of cigar shops that are located here in the Grand Strand. I suddenly found myself only having to drive a few minutes to buy my cigars instead of the usual hour or so. However, even though I love having local tobacco shops to frequent, I still find myself utilizing the convenience of the internet. I strongly feel that we should support our local shops since they provide us with great atmosphere, a relaxing place to sit and enjoy a smoke, along with special events. With that being said, I do believe that the internet should not be overlooked as a cigar source. I touched on a few of the pros and cons about buying cigars from internet suppliers in the past, and since then have acquired some stogies from companies on the web. One company that has really impressed me is Cigars Direct. I have received a couple of orders from them and neither disappointed. Even though I love the instant gratification of picking up a cigar at a tobacco shop, I have to admit that the boy and I do enjoy the anticipation of getting that lovely package in the mail. All ten cigars came individually wrapped in cellophane and in a zippered bag. Everything was shipped wrapped in large bubble wrap and in a sturdy box. A complimentary box of matches was included for a nice little extra. The true test was the freshness, and I have to say each cigar felt, looked, and smelled like those I have picked up from any of my local shops. I have only had time to enjoy a couple of the cigars from Cigars Direct, and so far the smokes have been awesome. I will elaborate on that topic in the near future. Aside from the most important fact that the cigars are all fresh and shipped very well, I also found the company to have a few other aspects I find important. Cigars Direct has a large selection of brands, many available by the box or by the stick. This is nice if you are still looking for a go to smoke or just want to try something new. They also offer five packs, special buys, cigar of the month, and featured cigars. There is also a full line of accessories to round out the product line. The internet cannot replace a local tobacco shop, but companies like Cigars Direct offer a great source to pick up premium cigars. As with all things that I recommend, I suggest you check it out for yourself. If you are looking for a reliable source for your cigars that offers great selection, great prices, and quality cigars, Cigars Direct is definitely worth a look. Here is the link to Cigars Direct:
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